Sunday, July 31, 2011


Jason worked VERY hard this weekend getting the rest of the columns up on the storage barn and even started putting up the rafters. :) It's so awesome the see the building taking shape. I can't believe how much storage space we will have in this monster when its all done, but I am sure I will still be going crazy looking at all the decoys and duck hunting supplies that are stored in the building... Maybe I can convince him to hide them all in one of the shipping container bays???

Still waiting on the bank to redo the loan on the construction of the house, hopefully the feds don't change the rules again between now and when we get approval!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Barn Raising!

The first column is up on the shed and its finally starting to look like something. There will be storage space on top of the containers in the shed too. The "great wall" is nearly complete (still needs the top row). The house is being delayed because of new federal rules for loans, but hopefully we will still be on schedule to get the foundation in this August. we were lucky enough to get Robbie to come down and place the containers on the concrete piers and move all the rock around with the Bobcat. Logan was so excited about Robbie being there with the Bobcat that we had to go home and find his miniature Bobcat so he could be the digger too! I need to figure out what kind of "foliage" or greenery is going to go in all those cells on the wall. Thinking about filling them all with dirt and plants makes me tired already. I think we will need to wait until we have water to keep them all alive though anyway. How exciting that things are starting to come together!

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Wheat is cut!

The wheat is cut and harvested as of July 1, 2011, now we can begin building the house. It's been so wet that we are behind on the machine shed, but the last few days have been dry. Hopefully we will begin digging the foundation SOON!