The forms have arrived and Jim, the concrete contractor, started setting forms for the walls today. Ian and Jason did the footings for the walls last week. The weather is FABULOUS for pouring concrete and the forecast for the next week is just as good. If all goes well Jim will be done and outta there and we will have WALLS by Monday. Next will be the framing.
Thursday the siding for the barn is supposed to be in at McElroy in Valley Park, so I am going to make a quick road trip down with Wendy to pick it up Friday morning. Hopefully Ian and Jason will be able to get the siding on on Saturday and that will pretty much wrap up the barn except for putting in the remaining fill of screenings/minus around the building and wall. I still have not figured out what I am going to plant in the GIANT retaining wall. Part of me thinks strawberries maybe? I have read that retaining walls are a GREAT place for strawberry plants to climb but we need water before I can plant anything in it for sure.
Things are FINALLY starting to come together and take shape. So excited for everything falling into place.
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